travel tales for family and friends. . .

wild horses. . .Theodore Roosevelt NP - North Dakota

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Most Easternmost of the Easternmost. . .you figure it out

We were going to be within two hours of the most Easternmost point in the United States. . .

we gotta go. . .right. . .well of course we do!

Easternmost Town - Lubec Maine - Lighthouse - East Quoddy - West Quoddy - Sparkplug

Lubec Maine.. .the Easternmost TOWN in the USA. . .remember that!

Art, West Quoddy, East Quoddy, Lighthouses, Easternmost

I appreciate artist’s renderings. . .and this one with the East Quoddy

and West Quoddy Head Lights is especially great. . .

Lubec Maine - Easternmost Town in the USA

another rendering of Lubec Welcome. . .

Easternmost Campground

we stayed in the Easternmost CAMPGROUND. . .

Maine, Lubec ME, Easternmost Point in the United States, Coastal Maine, Sunset RV Park, RV Parks, Monaco

very nice. . .lovely views. ..water and electric with a dump station. . .

I was a little confused as to why it was called Sunset Point. . .

when I would think being the Easternmost Campground . . .Sunrise would be the focus.

Maine, Lubec ME, Easternmost Point in the United States, Coastal Maine, Sunset, Sailboat - Copy

well. . .this is why. . .beautiful sunsets across the cove

Maine, Lubec ME, Easternmost Point in the United States, Coastal Maine, Sunrise

however. . .I was specifically focused on the sunrise,

and was determined that I would get up in time to photograph it. . .HA!

this is the best I could do. . .

seriously people. . .the sun rises at 5:15. . .that is WAY before I usually get up. . .

I did get this shot from the bedroom window the first morning we were there. . .

and then we had several cloudy, foggy, rainy mornings. . .

not that I was up to see them, you understand. . .but I could hear the raindrops hitting the roof. . .

all the reason I needed to stay snuggled in for a couple more hours. . .


On to more Easternmost stories though. . .we visited Eastport Maine. . .

Easternmost City - Ellsworth Maine

the Easternmost CITY in the United States. . .just so you know!

Eastport ME as viewed from Campobello Island Canada, Easternmost City in the USA

here’s a beautiful view of Eastport taken from the Canadian Island of Campobello. . .

my suggestion. . .if you want to visit Eastport. . .just take the ferry from Lubec. . .

it’s not really a pretty drive over there. . .and once you get there,

I can’t honestly say there’s that much to see. . .it was okay, I guess. . .

and if you’re that close and you want to go. . .then you should. . .


Okay. . .last story. . .


we had been told that the first place to see the sunrise in the United States

is Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. . .so when we visited up there yesterday,

I was curious to see what they had to say about it. . .


Okay. . .I can buy the claim that if you are on the summit of

Cadillac Mountain at 5 AM,

you could possibly be the first to see the sunrise. . .


It all intrigues me somewhat. . .whose claim is the most valid? 

I don’t know. . .I’m just gonna enjoy the uniqueness of it all. . .

that’s their story. . .and they’re sticking to it!


Til next time,

Janice and Dave

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