travel tales for family and friends. . .
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
One Last Day of Living On the Water
Sunday, October 28, 2012
An East Texas Cypress Swamp. . .So Pretty!
I love the water in any form. . .
even sitting by a swimming pool or fountain makes me happy. . .
so sitting at the water’s edge at Lake Texana was just perfect. . .
how much more relaxing can you get?
and of course you know I’m going to chase down
and photograph any butterfly that I see. . .
but, alas, all good things must end. . .
so Friday morning, we loaded up, and headed out through Houston, which would supposedly cut an hour off of our travel time. . .what were we thinking? Traffic. . . cars cutting in front of ya at 65 mph. . .changing lanes to make sure you stay on the right freeway. . .grrrrrr.
We lived, and drove in Houston traffic for 30 years. I didn’t think a thing about driving across town to take a class. . .but pulling a rig is a whole different ballgame. . .but survive we did . . .
and arrived at beautiful Magnolia Ridge,
a COE park on B.A. Steinhagen Lake. . .
what a beautiful, beautiful place. . .
after a great lunch of ribs, potatoes, and baked beans. . .
Dad and Dave are standing outside discussing fishing. . .
more gorgeous fall color in the Cypress Swamp. . .
went alligator hunting again. . .still no luck!
but this red headed woodpecker was putting on quite a show. . .
and after a four mile bike ride. . .
the perfect end to the day. . .fishing!
Until next time,
Friday, October 26, 2012
Full Time RV Travel–Lake Steinhagen
We have arrived at our new digs. . .
the rig is backed in to. . .and we are overlooking a cypress swamp
off of Lake Steinhagen, which is close to Jasper TX. . .
Because today was a LONG, stress filled (read pulling the rig through Houston traffic) day. . .this is going to be a short post. . .
but you can rest assured. . .I am still on my quest to see an alligator. . .
so I will keep you posted!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Lake Texana Has Water–I’m so Happy!
We arrived at Brackenridge Recreation Complex and RV Park yesterday. . .mid day. . .
and was thrilled to find that Lake Texana actually has water in it. . .so happy!
This is the best view we’ve had since we left Estes Park in June. . .love looking out over the water!
The water hyacinth, seen here, and the hydrilla. . .
both highly invasive plants in Texas Lakes are everywhere,
so it will be tough fishing from the bank. . .
but we are certainly going to give it a try.
however. . .swimming is NOT on the agenda,
but I will be on the lookout for an alligator to get a shot at. . . with the Nikon, of course.
After my tribulations of not being able to peddle back up the hills
in Columbus, I was thrilled to find a nice, flat bike path here
that meanders it’s way for five miles alongside the lake,
and through the beautiful oak and pecan trees. . .
My plan is to be out there on it everyday. . .
and would love to do the entire five miles before we leave here. . .
More on that later. . .as the week progresses!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
A Happy Birthday Bicycle for ME!
I decided for the big double nickel birthday. . .things need to change. . .
and since I don’t plan to stop eating the good stuff. . .
perhaps a bicycle would help. . .
(the only time in my life that I was ever “skinny”
was when I did a bicycle ride every day, while the boys were taking a nap)
here’s my sweet hubby putting it together. . .the ones that were available
put together at the store, were already rusty, and dirty. . .and I just wasn’t
willing to pay full price for something that already looked old.
here we go. . .first ride. . .note the helmet people. On the advice of friends,
but against my will, I bought. . .and will wear, the crazy thing. . .hate it!
returning from my first ride. . .no. . .nothing is wrong. . .
well, nothing is wrong with the bicycle. . .
I, on the other hand. . .am soooo out of shape,
I couldn’t pedal back up the hill. . .
sad, I know. . .but my legs were on FIRE. . .pitiful!
here’s Dave attaching the bracket for the bike carrier to the frame under the front of the truck. . .
We would love to put the carrier on the back of the rig. . .
but, we have no bumper. . .and seemingly, no way to add one without
having some welding done. . .this is a viable (cheaper) solution. . .
plus. . .my RV blog friend, Sparky, often talks about driving over to a biking trailhead. . .
so having the bike carrier on the truck will allow us to access those!
the finished product. . .
Sparky, on her Where’s Eldo blog wrote about having had three different bike carriers in
four years. . .and this is the rack they’ve finally decided on as being the best solution. . .
Our neighbors across the street were also using this bike carrier, so we took the advice of both
of them, and went with it. . .and the best part. . .
Camping World had it on special for $55 off the regular price. . .my kind of deal. . .
My RV friend Kim sent me a note on FaceBook to say she lost 32 pounds this summer
riding her bike. . .here’s hoping I’ll do the same. . .wish me luck!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
A Beautiful Fall Day
Chores done. . .projects finished. . .time to take a drink and a magazine outside and enjoy this beautiful fall weather. . .
this little guy was putting on quite a show way too close to my chair. . .
I think I’ll move around to the other side of the rig. . .
well. . .hello beautiful. . .
love the way the sun was lighting up the trees in the background. . .
and then “His Majesty” appeared. . .how would you like to be sitting in a deer stand,
and have such a magnificent creature walk up out of the brush. . .
my favorite way to shoot a trophy buck. . .with a Nikon!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Rig Washing Time
Friday, October 5, 2012
A Weekend With the Grand
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Touring Smithville TX
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Beautiful Fall Weather in Texas