travel tales for family and friends. . .

wild horses. . .Theodore Roosevelt NP - North Dakota

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Belvidere Illinois–almost to Chicago. . .almost

We moved the coach from Madison Wisconsin to

Pine Country (Outdoor World) in Belvidere Illinois

which is still 65 miles from Chicago. . .guess why?

Pine Country RV Park, Outdoor World, Thousand Trails

because it’s part of our Thousand Trails “Membership” package

so there’s no charge for us to be here. . .yaaa!

After some of the prices we’ve paid to stay up here in

the Great Lakes Area. . .”free” is good for the budget.

Boy, am I ever glad it’s free. . .’cause it’s only 30A service,

and it has gotten hot. . .up into the 90’s. . .

Now, that would normally not be a problem . . .right?

We can still run one A/C. . .and just maneuver appliances and such. . .

trust me. . .over 12 years of full timing. . .we’ve figured out the 30A misery. . .

The problem happens about 2 o’clock every afternoon. . .

the sun is beating down on the MAIN Breaker Supply. . .

those breakers heat up. . .and TRIP!

So. . .no one in our row is tripping their individual breakers at their pole. . .

but we have to wait for the tech to come over. . .unlock the main breaker box,

and get us all up and going again. . .yaaa. . .NOT FUN!

okay. . .enough whining. . .on to the fun stuff. . .

Next week, our #1 Grandson (he’s the only boy) will be here. . .

so. . .before he gets here, we’re going to move the coach over to the KOA

where we will have FHU and 50 AMP service. . .yes!  Also about 20 miles closer to the city. . .

Illinois, Belvidere IL

Belvidere’s claim to fame is that it is the City of Murals. . .

you know I love my murals. . .and since we weren’t fixing to go into Chicago

on the weekend, we decided we would go check them out. . .

Illinois, Belvidere IL (1)

I’ll just show you this really great one. . .and include the rest in my album.


As we were walking about snapping pics, one the shopkeepers came out

to see what we were finding so interesting. . .it really is a pretty little town. . .

obviously an important place, at some time in history. . .

so we chatted with her a bit about the town and her business,

and told her exploring little towns is a great way to get a nice walk in. . .

we thoroughly enjoyed it.

I know this has not been all that exciting. . .

but I wanted to chronicle Belvidere for our journal. . .

Next time. . .Chicago. . .I promise!


‘til then,

Janice and Dave



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