Next Tuesday, the #1 Grand, our first born, and only grandson,
will arrive via Southwest Airlines. . .
We promised the grands when we started traveling,
that we would fly them out to meet us. . .
so Jordan’s finally taking us up on it. . .
we decided we should make a dry run to check things out
but first. . .some lunch.
When someone makes a great recommendation, I make a note of it in my Travel Spreadsheet. . .
then when we arrive in an area. . .I have all these great places to check out. . .
so when Judy mentioned in a comment to Marsha and Paul
to check out Frank’ Pizzeria on Chicago’s Northwest side,
I decided that would be a great place to have our first taste of Chicago Pizza. . .
evidently, they are CLOSED ON MONDAYS. . .hello. . .
all righty then. . .nothing to be done about that. . .
so. . .on to the next thing, Wrigley Field. . .
which took us through this great little Northwest Chicago neighborhood.
All these cute little houses, lined up side by side,
with yards as neat as a pin. . .really lovely. . .
and the copper clad windows on this condo unit were so great. . .
We just wanted to check out where Wrigley Field was located. . .
we have tickets for a game next Thursday. . .
so I know we will get some great pics then. . .
so we just parked at McDonald’s across the street, and got a couple of quick shots.
and on we go. . .here’s the EL. . .
we really thought we would be taking this in,
but, we are so far out, it would cost almost $60 per day roundtrip
for the three of us to ride. . .so, it’s way less expensive to just
bring the car in, and pay $21 parking. . .
Dave hasn’t found driving in Chicago to be any worse
than driving in Houston. . .so there ya go.
Of course, we’ll try to avoid rush hour times. . .
I’ll let you know how it all goes. . .
Finally. . .what we’ve been waiting for. . .
the Downtown Chicago Skyline. . .
as seen from Navy Pier
I’m sure I’ll know what some of the buildings are
after we take the Architectural Boat Tour next week. . .
We checked out Navy Pier, and had lunch. . .
but decided to save all the sightseeing and tours
for when Jordan arrives next week. . .
So, that was it. . .our first day in Chicago. . .
exciting huh?
There’ll be much more to share next week,
‘til then,
Janice and Dave