travel tales for family and friends. . .

wild horses. . .Theodore Roosevelt NP - North Dakota

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Indianapolis was a Bust. . .too bad!

Blog, Smoke, Indianapolis IN, TrafficBlog, Smoke, Indianapolis IN, Traffic (2)
Several miles out on I 70 as we approached Indianapolis. . .we began to see a huge plume of smoke. . .
Blog, Smoke, Indianapolis IN, Traffic (5)
which continued to get worse the closer we go to the downtown area. . .
Dave later googled it to find out that it was a downtown warehouse. . .
and required 150 firefighters to get get it under control. . .
Blog, Smoke, Indianapolis IN, Traffic (6)
being an industrial fire fighter I’m sure Dave would have loved to go over and give some instruction. . .
instead of needing to keep his eyes on the road. . .and get us through the maze of downtown traffic!

Needless to say. . .exiting to go by the Indiana State House was out of the question. . .
so we discussed plan B. . .get the motor home parked, and come back in the Jeep. . .
Blog, Smoke, Indianapolis IN, Traffic (10)
until we got a good look at westbound traffic. . .ummmm. . .no thank you!

So we will return to Indianapolis at some future date when we have even more time to explore. . .
now. . .on to Ohio. . .

Until next time,

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