travel tales for family and friends. . .
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the Ohio Canal
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Day Tripping to Erie PA for a Little Shopping Therapy. . .
and to meet up with RV’ing and blogging friends
JeanMarie and Ray of Me and Ray and a Dog Named Grey blogging fame. . .
we somehow connected a couple of years ago. . .
just as they were getting started on their Full Time RV’ing journey. . .
so it was fun to relive all the tales of packing up the house. . .
Ray cutting the tree limb down on the ladder and the
ensuing months of recovery that went with that. . .
plus all the fun places we’ve all been. . .
and now, they’ve gotten them a toad. . .so RV travel will be even more enjoyable!
Really great to see you guys. . .enjoyed the visit very much!
not a very good pic. . .but the other reason we
decided to go to Erie. . .a pair of Crocs. . .
After reading the RV Dreams Journal blog posts about Niagara Falls
(I’ve been saving those blog post links for like two years)
and discovering that they issue you reusable rain ponchos
and water sandals. . .we decided that we’d rather
just wear crocs over there and take along our
Frog Togs. . .and not be concerned about
borrowing their gear. . .thus a shopping trip was needed. . .
a not successful shopping trip I might add. . .
but since we were there in Erie a little sightseeing would also be great.
first stop. . .Port Erie Bicentennial Tower
for a mere $3 pp. . .you can ride an elevator to the top of the
three story structure. . .pretty interesting actually. . .
a nice view of Downtown Erie PA. . .
A Greek Orthodox Church. . .
a couple of lighthouses located over on Presque Isle. . .
and a beautiful view of the Harbor along with a pretty good
lunch of a Lake Erie Yellow Perch Sandwich and Clam Chowder. . .
at Smuggler's Wharf Restaurant conveniently located Harbor Side
right across from our tourist destination of the day. . .
I’m including a few links of other places I wanted to see. . .
but with all the visiting and the shopping time had gotten away
from us and we needed to head back. . .
so glad we did. . .about 5 minutes from our exit off of I 90
a huge thunderstorm hit. . .wind really whipping. . .
buckets of rain. . .and lightning strikes coming straight down.
We were happy to exit the freeway and drive the State Hwy the rest of the way. . .
all’s well that end’s well. . .and the storm dropped the temps by 20* which was great. . .
Anywhere. . .here’s the rest of the links. . .
check them out. . .and if you are ever near Erie PA. . .
go see them, and let me know how they were. . .
‘til next time,
Janice and Dave
Friday, June 21, 2013
Playing Tourist at Geneva on the Lake
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Today Was the Day. . .
When your brown and gold coach. . .which does not show dirt easily,
is so filthy that it’s obvious. . .
it’s time to get on the work clothes and do something!
and when that is finished. . .a well deserved break!
Tomorrow, Geneva on the Lake
Til next time,
Janice and Dave
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
I’ve been fascinated by the Great Lakes since the first time
I read about them in a geography class. . .
so knowing we were only a few miles from Lake Erie was exciting. . .
we got the rig set up. . .and rushed right over to Ashtabula to lay eyes on it. . .
it was even more massive than I had imagined. . .it looked and sounded like the Gulf of Mexico. . .
only without the fishy smell. I guess the wind had the sand stirred up,
because it was very, very muddy looking, although we could see clear blue water out near the horizon line.
not sure what temp the water is at. . .but the closer we got to the lake. . .
the more the thermometer dropped. . .to this glorious 65*. . .air conditioned sunshine!
Kenisee Lake RV Resort is part of our Thousand Trails Membership Program. . .
so when we realized how packed everything was going to be for the Fourh of July weekend. . .
and how ridiculous the prices were ($294 per week)
we decided to just schedule three weeks here at $3 per night
and stay put until all the craziness is over. . .
We really just thought we’d get a lot of chores done,
washing and waxing the coach, and miscellaneous projects. . .
so we have been pleasantly surprised to find out how much there is to do in the area. . .
seems we’ll be a lot busier playing tourist than we had anticipated. . .
we’ll keep you posted. . .
Til next time,
Janice and Dave
Monday, June 17, 2013
State Capital Trail Continues. . .
another beautiful and successful day in my quest to photograph all 50 State Capitals. . .
we’ve thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Alum Creek State Park just out of Columbus,
this beautiful little bird brightened my morning. . .
not sure yet what it is. . .I’ll hafta research my birding book. . .
but it is lovely. . .travel day tomorrow. . .
We will stay at our Thousand Trails Membership Park just north of Cleveland
for the next few weeks. . .get past the Fourth of July holiday. . .
and then. .Niagara Falls. . .looking forward to it!
Til next time,
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Indianapolis was a Bust. . .too bad!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
St Louis–Gateway to the West