Karen, Lynn, and Justin with their grandaughter Cara. . .
travel tales for family and friends. . .
Monday, October 28, 2013
Evans Escapades in Four States
Karen, Lynn, and Justin with their grandaughter Cara. . .
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Evans Escapades in Atlanta and at Stone Mountain Park
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Evans Escapades in Atlanta
We were excited to head to Atlanta on Wednesday for two reasons. . .
#1. . .to meet the newest of our great nephews. . .
and to see his Mommy, Tiffany (Dave’s niece) and hubby, Nathan. . .
#2. . .there’s a huge Cummins Repair Shop,
where we were hoping to have a repair done to our coach battery’s wiring harness. . .
but alas. . .the shop is slammed from the Good Sam’s Rally that just finished up,
and couldn’t possibly work us in until NEXT Wednesday. . .
we’ll continue limping along to Texas. . .every time the coach won’t start,
Dave pulls the battery tray out. . .it fires right up, and away we go.
It’s not a problem when it happens on travel day morning. . .we just deal and move on. . .
but once. . .when it happened at a busy, busy truck stop. . .with lines everywhere. . .
well. . .that was not fun. . .we know the batteries themselves are fine. . .
Dave’s done a couple of post repairs. . .so we’ll see. . .
Jones’ RV Park in Norcross is nothing fancy. . .but more than adequate. . .
$30 for 50A FHU. . .or $165 for a week. . .easily accessible from I-85. . .
and easily accessible to where the new great is. . .ahhh. . .almost within reach!
I’ll be getting my hands on him very, very soon. . .
with the coach repair on hold. . .and the little angel’s Mommy and Daddy at work,
what shall we do with ourselves? Hmmmm. . .driving range. . .that will work. . .
if only I could hit the ball on the course as well as I hit it at the range. . .that would be so great!
and then, of course Atlanta just happens to be the Capitol of Georgia. . .
boy, did I ever manage to get a horrible picture. . .yikes!
another one of those that are hard to photograph. . .so, it is what it is. . .
the funny thing is. . .I googled Georgia State House pics
and sadly. . .the pro’s pics aren’t much better. . .
this is one of those instances where the “drive by” shot from the freeway is almost the better one. . .too funny!
We are off to see the little man. . .so guess whose pics will be next. . .yes indeed!
Janice and Dave
Monday, October 21, 2013
Evans Escapades at Ruby Falls and Lookout Mountain
As I said before. . .Ruby Falls in Chattanooga TN
was on our radar, because I read about it on our
friends, Margery and Paul’s Blog. . .
now. . .had I done my due diligence as I usually do,
and gone back to reread the post, I would have realized
that the falls was at the end of a 1100 feet deep CAVE. . .
anyone who’s read our stuff very long,
knows that after Mammoth Cave in Kentucky
I told Dave I was done with caves. . .period. . .
well maybe I will repeat Carlsbad. . .but that’s it. . .
soooo. . .here we are to see Ruby Falls. . .hello. . .
I’m pretty much feeling like a dummy. . .
’cause evidently I REALLY was not paying ANY attention. . .
Margery and Paul’s blogpost clearly indicates that it’s IN A CAVE. . .
as do the pages where you buy the tickets. . .
but oh no. . .I didn’t register any of that part of the story. . .
I just wanted to see the falls. . .and they were glorious!
the story our EXCELLENT guide told us is
that they don’t actually know where the falls originate,
although many studies have been done. . .intriguing huh?
it was WELL WORTH IT! Highly recommend. . .
and on the way back out. . .my favorite formation. . .steak and potatoes. . .
Now, I highly recommend checking out
Paul and Margery’s story of Ruby Falls
because. . .they used a flash. . .
so their pics are much clearer. . .
I didn’t want Dave to use a flash. . .
‘cause I wanted to have that same sensation
of claustrophobia every time I looked at them,
that I had when I was experiencing it. . .what can I say?
and for our last experience in Chattanooga. . .
the Lookout Mountain Incline Railway. . .
eh. . .if you’ve never done one before. . .
and just feel the need. . .go ahead. . .
but nothing all that exciting,
other than it being at a 72* grade
which all RV’ers understand is crazy grade status. . .
the views from the top weren’t any better, if as good
as the views from the lookout at Ruby Falls. . .
and you could easily drive there yourself if you wanted to see the battlefields. . .
just my opinion you understand. . .
but all in all. . .Rock City and Ruby Falls were well worth the adventure!
see you in Atlanta next,
Janice and Dave
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Evans Escapades in Chattanooga
Three different Camping World Stores have public RV Parks. . .who knew?
The one in Chattanooga is great. . .
we paid $22.50 per night with our Good Sam Discount
very pleased!
Our main objective for a stop in Chattanooga
was to see Ruby Falls. . .which our friends Margery and Paul
had visited last year and written about on their blog. . .
so. . .when I began to do my research,
I found we could do a combo ticket for
Rock City, Ruby Falls, and the Lookout Mountain Incline Railway. . .fabulous!
First UP. . .Rock City. . .
a sort of botanical garden, all native plants. . .
but designed in amongst these massive boulders. . .
the majesty of it does not translate to pics. . .
I recommend you go and experience it for yourself. . .
rock bridges. . .swinging bridges. . .my fave. . .NOT!
but nowhere near as terrifying as the Royal Gorge Bridge. . .
our view of Lover’s Leap. . .
the Post Card view of Lover’s Leap. . .
and the view from the top. . .
from which you could supposedly see seven states. . .
I find any view from any pinnacle to be fascinating,
so we enjoyed it very much. . .
What a great way to spend a couple of hours. . .
Next up. . .Ruby Falls. . .see you there!
Janice and Dave