travel tales for family and friends. . .

wild horses. . .Theodore Roosevelt NP - North Dakota

Friday, February 8, 2013

It’s War Around Here

In our last blog post I showed your our resident wren’s nest located up in an exhaust vent.
Because I felt guilty about destroying all their hard work,
I laid the nest materials out on the picnic table,
where they quickly began gathering them up. . .
here’s where I found their latest homebuilding attempt. . .
sorry guys. . .still not gonna work. . .
Wonder what the plan is now. . .I’m keepin’ an eye out!
A very nice surprise this week. . .my brother brought my Dad and Uncle by to visit. . .
They were on their way to the deer lease to hunt hogs,
so I made home made pulled pork barbecue sliders
using home made Parker House Style rolls. . .
I used Alton Brown’s recipe. . .they were dee-lish-us!
the rest of the week has been spent on our park host duties. . .
while I met with Ranger Lisa about a school group that will be here next week. . .
Dave mowed the sites in our camping lot in preparation for the weekend campers!

Til next time,

1 comment:

  1. I got a chuckle out of the bird nest stories. Thanks for the tip to feed them, though. We'll have do that, too.


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