travel tales for family and friends. . .

wild horses. . .Theodore Roosevelt NP - North Dakota

Friday, February 8, 2013

It’s War Around Here

In our last blog post I showed your our resident wren’s nest located up in an exhaust vent.
Because I felt guilty about destroying all their hard work,
I laid the nest materials out on the picnic table,
where they quickly began gathering them up. . .
here’s where I found their latest homebuilding attempt. . .
sorry guys. . .still not gonna work. . .
Wonder what the plan is now. . .I’m keepin’ an eye out!
A very nice surprise this week. . .my brother brought my Dad and Uncle by to visit. . .
They were on their way to the deer lease to hunt hogs,
so I made home made pulled pork barbecue sliders
using home made Parker House Style rolls. . .
I used Alton Brown’s recipe. . .they were dee-lish-us!
the rest of the week has been spent on our park host duties. . .
while I met with Ranger Lisa about a school group that will be here next week. . .
Dave mowed the sites in our camping lot in preparation for the weekend campers!

Til next time,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Two of My Favorite Guys

This past week offered us an opportunity to meet for lunch with two of Dave’s brothers and his sister. . .
John and David at Chuy's
Finding myself seated between two of my favorite guys, I couldn’t resist showing you . . .
David and his look alike. . .youngest brother John. . .aren’t they adorable!  LOL. . .
Texas, San Felipe, Stephen F Austin State Park (27)
Last weekend, we had the pleasure of look alike John, Lisa, and John’s look alike Daniel visiting us at the park. . .
Daniel riding his scooter at Stephen F Austin State Park
what a lot of fun. . .Daniel is the spitting image of his Daddy at that age!
He is a beautiful child. . .inside and out. . .and always has hugs to give. . .which makes me so happy!

On a different note. . .it’s nest building time here at the park. . .
Carolina Wren
and the Carolina Wrens are in overdrive!
Wrens building a nest in our engine exhaust
They aren’t a bit shy. . .and were swooping into this exhaust vent one day last week. . .
sitting at my desk in the bedroom. . .I could hear them busily setting up housekeeping. . .
Wrens building a nest in our engine exhaust
Within two days, they had quite the little collection gathered. . .
and although I feel guilty for destroying all their hard work. . .ummm. . .not a choice location guys!  Sorry. . .
We’ve taped a piece of plastic over the outside of the vent until we can get a screen. . .goodness, they are quick!
As Judy on her Travels With Emma Blog calls it, I’ve set up my bird cafĂ©. . .
it’s a mix of nuts, seeds, and cracked corn. . .
the peanuts and almonds go first. . .the tufted titmice love them!
followed by the black oil sunflower seed. . .favored by the cardinals. . .
not sure the preference of this Red Breasted Nuthatch or the Carolina Chickadee. . .
but I do know that no one likes the cracked corn. . .so it gets left for the deer and raccoons. . .
oops. . .not supposed to feed the wildlife (well, except for the birds). . .
so we may need to choose a different mix next time. . .
Texas, San Felipe TX, Stephen F Austin State Park, Birds, Bluebirds
and. . .we’ve notice the bluebirds flitting about the bluebird boxes. . .
so, the plan for the weekend is to be sure those are cleaned out,
sanitized and ready to go. . .

Til next time,

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