Ughhhh. . .the weather has just been yuck. . .cold, drippy, grey and dreary. ..I’m pretty sure I have that S.A.D seasonal disorder. Weather like this sure makes me SAD. . .I want to just hibernate. . .and not come out until I can see the sun. . .waaaaaa. . .ok, whining over. . .
Loving Stephen F Austin so far. . .very organized staff. . .very clear instructions posted and assigned. . .love that!
The interpretative Ranger is a bird lover. . .so I think she and I are going to get along great. . .plus, she loves to paint. . .and is already working up some painting projects for me. . .
I’m really going to love that!
We think the motorhome looks fabulous in the woods. . .blends right in!
and the coolest part about being here. . .
Dave and I celebrated 38 years of wedded bliss last month. . .
and guess where we spent our honeymoon?
That’s right. . .San Felipe TX. . .we were so poor. . .we stayed in a little fleabag motel out on the highway. . .nearly froze to death. . .and the next day, visited this very sight. . .right around the corner from the park. . .isn’t that ironic? Part of the reason. . .even way back then that we chose this area. . .is that we both loved the history of it.
Never in our wildest imaginations did we ever dream we would have the privilege of exploring all the historical sights we have seen. . .
we are blessed indeed. . .
As soon as the weather clears up, I hope to take you on a tour of the entire park. . .the Brazos River. . .all the hiking/biking trails. . .and lots of nature. . .up close and personal. . .
Til then ~